In the heart of California’s desert resort cities is an oasis flowing with the fresh water of the Holy Spirit.
At OASISLIFE, the power of Pentecost is alive with all the attributes of revival: salvation, signs, wonders and miracles in the midst of God’s people. The sanctuary reverberates with powerful and anointed praise and worship and God’s spoken word pierces the hearts of those hungry after Him. With message after life-changing message, the prophetic mandate of this church is clearly communicated through the faithful servant that we are proud to call our pastor.
Pastor and founder Bishop Stewart Roberts, is more than just a pastor: he is a shepherd, a preacher, a teacher, a musician and mentor to this multi-cultural congregation. Bishop Roberts “has the soul of an old-time revivalist” – a fiery passion burns in his heart to preach the Word and watch lives changed by the power of God.
If you are a visitor to the Palm Springs area or do not have a church home, please join us for a life changing experience. For your convenience, childcare and Spanish translation services are available.
OASISLIFE, Where there’s fresh water, there’s always life!